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2 important things Happen to your body when you tell a lie

Everybody does it every now and then but many don't admit doing it. Some do it to hide who they really are, to avoid getting caught, or to spare someone else's feelings. I am talking about LYING. You guessed right? Lying is an enormous part of our life. When you lie you have to consider what you are trying to hide, figure out a believable version of the opposite, give a convincing performance to sell that lie, and then remember it for the rest of eternity so you never get caught. According to deception expert Pamela Meyer, "the average person lies three times within the first 10 minutes of meeting a stranger between 10 and 200 times a day. According to  Mashable , research has shown that, in the last month, 15% of people admitted to telling a lie at work. While 59% of those didn't feel guilty about it. However, the type of lies/cultural expectation depends on the job, for example, 94% of people expect politicians to lie in their work, but only 27% agre

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